Jack 13 years old

Jack 13 years old

Jack has been desensitized to peanut and receiving the maintenance dose. His mother reports: “In just a six month period, my son’s life has changed dramatically. Diagnosed as an infant with a severe peanut allergy, he has lived his life in fear of a fatal allergic reaction, avoiding all baked goods that were not made at home, reading labels before ever taking a bite,and discussing his allergy with waiters at restaurants. We have kept a peanut-free home and he has gone to a peanut-free school and camp, to keep him safe and reduce the anxiety of his allergy. Now Jack is desensitized and able to tolerate the equivalent of three peanuts per day. He actually eats 3 peanut butter m&m’s once a day, as his dose, and enjoys every bite. We no longer have a peanut-free house and he is no longer living in fear of an accidental ingestion. Jack is now able to go to parties, restaurants or friend’s houses and eat without reading labels or discussing the ingredients with the waiters/chefs. He knows that he no longer has to worry about a fatal reaction, as he recently ate half a peanut butter cookie at a party by mistake and did not have a single symptom. In Jack’s words, he feels liberated. More importantly, he no longer feels like he has a life-threatening medical condition that sets him apart from his peers and affects his daily life. We feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to be treated by NEFATC. The staff was incredibly friendly and supportive. The six months went by quickly and Jack had very few symptoms from his doses. The treatment process was very easy to do at home, with the doses being premeasured and provided to us by the Treatment Center. Jack is grateful for the care he received and happy to be starting his teen years now desensitized to peanuts.”